
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hurricane Katrina Part 1

Hurricane Katrina Part 2

HoodNews™: Hood News Vol.1 Trailer

Hood News is untold unseen stories from the urban communities. Last year a document was floating around the hood called Operation Nutcracker, operation nutcracker was a co-opt plan to target gang members or any persons with gang like tattoos. What happen was the police targeted the whole community treating everyone like gang members and radicals. Hood News followed the action and protocols and caught Law enforcement in acts of violence

All DVD's available @

HoodNews™: LAPD won't release Beaten teenager at Hospital

A teenager is beaten by the LAPD and wont allow a mother to see her abused son.

HoodNews™: Police kill fleeing blackman

After covering a story down the street, Hood News catches LAPD Murder an innocent crackhead while jumping a fence while trying to fleeing from the police. 

Hood News™: Police Terrorism (Full Documentary)

Police Terrorism is a film documenting police activity in the ghettos of America. Some scenes are EXTREMELY GRAPHIC. Viewer Discretion advised.
by Hassan Haze
Beginning song "On Hells Edge" by Hood Blues

Police Murder LA youth in Imperial Courts projects

LAPD shot the handcuffed an unarmed youth as he dislodged a weapon and fled from officers. Witnesses say police picked up the weapon and fired a fatal shot into the young man's back. After he was shot he was handcuffed, denied medical assistance and left to die. story by Hassan Haze.

LA Sheriff Shoot man in the back 12 times; Man Dies

Los Angeles Sheriff's shot an unarmed man 12 times in the back as he fled from police. Observers say Robert Thomas Jr. 21, A security guard at Home Depot was murdered in cold blood and is a victim of Police Terrorism.