
Monday, February 24, 2014

Skin 'Trophy' From Granddad's Lynchings Gets Investigator Fired

"The state of Tennessee has fired a veteran investigator because officials believed that he attempted to use violent stories about how his relatives participated in a lynching to intimidate African-Americans who were trying to file claims against emergency responders.

WTVF reported that William Sewell, a medical service investigator who had been with the state for more than 40 years, told the graphic story to Shun Mullins last summer.

Mullins had filed a complaint claiming that his mother had died when the Algood's deputy fire chief refused to perform CPR because she was black. The complaint stated that the fire chief covered it up by falsifying medical reports.

Sewell had started the meeting by asking Mullins if he had ever been to prison."* Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz (What The Flick?! TYT Sports), Gina Grad (The Gina Grad Show) and Jarrett Sleeper (Totally Clevver) break it down on The Young Turks.

Origins of Black History Month (from

The Only Difference Was Their Skin Color - Guess Who Gets Handcuffed

"A shocking new video illustrates how race and color continue to play a major role in how someone is perceived in American society.

The video, shot in Los Angeles, compares the general public's reaction to first a white male, then a black male, attempting to break into a car.

The social experiment was the idea of Jason Roberts, who hosts the YouTube channel Simple Misfits."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

Is It Time To Give Felons Back Their Voting Rights?

"Sen. Rand Paul brought his national crusade against the war on drugs back to his home state, giving testimony before the Kentucky state senate in favor of an amendment to restore voting rights to felons after they get out of prison." 

Cenk Uygur ( host of The Young Turks breaks down the story. Cenk also discusses Attorney General Eric Holder's comments about restoring voting rights for felons. Do you support giving felons their voting rights back? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.