
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Federal authorities being called on to end the Stop & Frisk program!

Manhattan borough president, a state senator, along with civil rights advocates call on federal authorities to step in to keep minority New Yorkers safe from the NYPD.

Last year the NYPD stopped and frisked a record 600,000 New Yorkers most of which were young minorities in the name of keeping the streets safe. Just a few days ago wiretaps recorded an NYPD cop saying " I Fried another Nigger" implying that he had falsely arrested yet another black man using the stop and frisk practice as an excuse to make the arrest. 

NYPD officers Adrian Schoolcraft and Adil Polanco blew the whistle on the Stop and Frisk program along with a quota system that pressures police to make arrest and write summons. Police are threatened with transfers to other precincts , loss off sick days, or even job layoffs if they don't bring back the required number of tickets and arrest.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly is defending this practice by saying it saves lives even though the NYPD's own records show that weapons are found less that 1% of the time. 

My personal thoughts: 
This entire practice is an outright scam to put Black, Latino
and poor white people in jail to generate money for the corrupt justice system and put more inmates in work brigades within corporate owned 
prisons that have factories built right into the prisons. The NYPD are being exposed for the lying corrupt extortionist that they are. The corrupt fraction of the NYPD which appears to include Raymond Kelly and other top brass are holding on to power by their fingernails and I happen to have a nail-clipper.

Thanks to investigative reporter Jim Hoffer and Channel 7 for another great report.

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