
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

White Pastoral Assistant Dresses Up In Blackface At National Youth Conference

Yet ANOTHER white person is now claiming that his conscious choice to dress up in blackface was purely “innocent” and not intended to offend anyone……even though blackface is widely known to be racist as hell.

Clay Mills Road Baptist Church Pastor Jeff Fugate claims ignorance was the reason that his assistant dressed up in blackface to participate in a boxing match as part of a skit for the National Young Fundamentalist Conference in Lexington, Ky., reports The Daily Mail.

Many spoke out after Joseph G. Pickens, Fugate’s assistant, tweeted a picture of himself in blackface wearing boxing gloves with the caption, “#NYFC 2014 fool! It’s about to go down! Who thinks they can #contend with the champ???”

A Daily Mail reporter asked Fugate why a “white man wearing blackface in the South” did not raise any red flags, and he claimed that he wasn’t aware of the skit’s content before it was performed. ‘I am so sorry that I have offended anyone by doing something that would be ignorant,’ Fugate, pastor of 23 years, said. ‘It was innocent, I promise you.’

The skit featured a boxing match between a blackfaced Pickens and another man acting as Curly from the Three Stooges. The theme of this year’s National Young Fundamentalist Conference was the boxing-related “Contend.”

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